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Power forward

Position designations are flexible, but this probably is the spot where we have the most potential depth. (I say "potential," because we do not know how good most of these kids are yet.) We have fully six players in the 6-7 to 6-10 range. What this means is that we will be playing mix-and-match between the 4 and the 5, without a real 5, but we will stay with the 4 spot for the moment for purposes of discussion.

Kris Bankston is a prototypical 4, and was a good one last year. I think he has the potential to be a great one if he stays 4 years in Little Rock. He rebounds well and makes a high percentage of his shots. In other words, he is a true inside player. I suspect he will be our leading rebounder this season. Hadzic and Maric are European-style players, which means they probably are not (by my admittedly prejudiced definition) true 4s, but they probably will play there a good bit. Kamari Johnson and Horace Wyatt are complete unknowns at this point.

I figure this spot is Bankston's to lose this year.

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