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Who's in charge?!

I'm sorry, but there is just no way you can hope to compete with the roster we now have. Nine players on the roster. NINE. One more who reportedly has committed, but is not on the roster yet, so he is not a done deal at this point. NINE!!!! Of those nine three are true freshmen who have never played a minute of college ball at any level. The phantom (so far) commit has not played any D1 ball.

Maybe all this is under control. Maybe we have two or three more players committed and word has just not filtered down yet. (But if that is the case, Verbal Commits has not picked up on it.) Usually you can round up as many walk-on wannabes as you need in order to be able to scrimmage, but that level of talent does not sharpen your scholarship players much.

This whole situation has the feel to it of no one being at the helm of the ship. No, I have no concrete information, but I have been in such situations before, and this one has that feel. It is not a comfortable feeling for fans.

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